Melanie Holmden's profile

Captain Super Rad Dad - A Father's Day Storyline

June 1st – Facebook banner goes up

June 2nd – Character Intro
Post 1

The Adventures of Captain Super Rad Dad, Part 1/7
Introducing Captain Super Rad Dad. He and his Grime Fighting Family live very busy lives. Rocking out the Corporate World by day - and “family-loving, house-keeping, food-cooking, kiddo taxi-driving, yard-maintenancing, garage-cleaning, G.T.A.-playing, Rockstar-badass (he thinks), doer of all things amazing, might pop-in some #Instagram likes (#idk)” time by night! Captain Super Rad Dad was so busy this week that he completely neglected his own self-care. No gym, no noon-hour run, no desk stretches for his aching neck and shoulders; he was stressed and tense, and did nothing about it. Captain Super Rad Dad unfortunately doesn’t realize that his tense muscles need #TLC too! A pain today, is a muscle strain tomorrow. That can bring down the mightiest of cape-sporting heroes! He concentrated this week on #TheSmallThings – like remembering to take the 30-seconds to brush his teeth this morning! His boss (who had a noon-hour run long enough for them both yesterday) is depending on him. One of the biggest contracts their firm has ever had the (dis)pleasure of negotiating, is on the table. He’s spent more time in his work office and home office in the last two weeks than he would care to admit. #GottaDoWhatYouGottaDo has been his motto for the last few years while trying to build his career. But at least boss man is happy with him, #Wining! Between work projects, home projects, the needs of his kids, commuting, and the craziness of life in general, our Hero didn’t even catch a game this week. That’s #Sacrilege for a native #Torontonian!

Our story continues June 4th. Stay tuned!

Gift Certificates for Father’s Day are available to buy for your very own RAD DAD! Purchase through our website or visit your local Massage Experts clinic!


June 4th
Post 2

The Adventures of Captain Super Rad Dad, Part 2/7
After a long day stifled in a suit and tie, Captain Super Rad Dad runs with freedom through the office doors on #YongeAndBloor and leaps into his Rad Mobile (with a grimace on his face foreshadowing tomorrow’s certain bodily pain). His modern-day, family-sized, all-wheel-drive S.U.V., mini-van, cross-over (with rust control package) starts-up fiercely. With a speed so fast that it blows the pine-scented air-freshener right off his rear-view mirror, Captain Super Rad Dad takes the #401 home. After a half-hour of neck-thrashing stop-and-go, our story’s star gets home before Mrs. Rad and their clan of kiddos. Being a true superhero, Captain Super Rad Dad finishes washing last night’s cheese-crusted dishes and starts the process of making his family’s favourite gourmet box-made supper. Mrs. Rad works very hard too, and she deserves a nice homemade meal tonight #DadStyle! After supper, hopefully Rad Dad will have the time and energy to mow the lawn! Ugg, #Adulting!

Our story continues June 6th. Stay tuned!

Gift Certificates for Father’s Day are available to buy for your very own RAD DAD! Purchase through our website or visit your local Massage Experts clinic!


June 6th
Post 3

The Adventures of Captain Super Rad Dad, Part 3/7
Some days, not all is what it seems in the Rad Cave. After the back-breaking, shoulder-thrashing, grueling task of mowing their supersize, 500 square foot, #Toronto lawn, Captain Super Rad Dad has many epic battles to continue conquering! That doesn’t even include nightly kiddo homework and the new, modern, mystery math! It’s a mighty task to sort through the fights that evening; who is good, and who is evil - or really just who gets to go on time-out and give him #PeaceAndQuiet. What we don’t see in this scene, are these two little cape-wearing critters tag-teaming up on our dear Captain Super Rad Dad, and overthrowing all his adult commands. They know that as strong and mighty as he is, one of their small, fragile index-fingers to his work-socks wearing, stinky feet, and Rad Dad is OUT for the count! Game-match. The tickle-monsters win! That’s right, #Kryptonite has nothing on these two! After the tickle-fest, poor Rad Dad wasn’t sure if his back could make it back up into a standing position again. After some rolling and stretching on the floor, he finally mustered the strength to crawl back-up again by holding onto the couch. Ouch, Rad Dad! You’re not feeling to Super-Hero’ish’ish now, are you? #Defeated.

Our story continues June 8th. Stay tuned!

Gift Certificates for Father’s Day are available to buy for your very own RAD DAD! Purchase through our website or visit your local Massage Experts clinic!


June 8th
Post 4

The Adventures of Captain Super Rad Dad, Part 4/7
It’s that time of night – the epic battle of the unwanted bedtime blues. Princess Miss Mini Rad is fighting it the whole way. At 9:30pm she’s still wide awake – after 3.5 stories, 6 hugs, 3 bear-hugs and an amazing 20-minute medium-pressure #Epic #DadStyle backrub. Even promises of gumdrops, lollipops, and unicorn rides weren’t enough of a bargaining tool to convince this lil’ busy hummingbird to go to bed. All the while our dear Daddy Rad Dad tries not to close his eyes and fall asleep too. The thought is there, the want is there, but he can’t, he must struggle through and keep his eyes open. Singing the theme song to the #LittleMermaid for the third time, while his #SweetPea complained that he wasn’t as good as Rad Mom, finally did the job. Time to head to Little Mr. Junior Rad’s room. Onto sleep battle round two, while Mrs. Rad gets the home and lunches ready for tomorrow. Thinking that a trip to #Disney would have to be the next attempt at bribery, Thing 1 and Thing 2 finally fell asleep. Chilling with the two kids, in two different single beds, after the hard and painful day, Captain Super Rad Dad can now barely move. His back is in full-on painful payback mode from his weeks of self-neglect. He heads to the bathroom for a few pain killers and some muscle rub. He prays he will be able to even move by the morning. Mrs. Rad and our Daddy Dearest can now finally spend some quality evening time together. The house is quiet. Time to get into comfy, late-night, chill-mode. An exciting few hours of watching games shows and murder mysteries while reading through the weekly shopping flyers together! #LifeGoals! Maybe they’ll get crazy and break into the leftover chocolate pudding before going to bed. But, eating before bed always brings out another of our Captain’s super powers; mega snoring! Seriously, like a #Champ! What to do?

Our story continues June 10th. Stay tuned!

Gift Certificates for Father’s Day are available to buy for your very own RAD DAD! Purchase through our website or visit your local Massage Experts clinic!


June 10th 
Post 5

The Adventures of Captain Super Rad Dad, Part 5/7
The next morning, Captain Super Rad Dad wakes up, turns over, and musters out a withering yelp of pain. Everything is stiff and hurts! All the tension from work, kiddo play, and no stretching or self-care, and his body is now feeling the repercussions. He knew he had been neglecting himself, but there is just not enough time in his day lately. It’s 6:30am; he can’t work from home today as he has back-to-back meetings. The boring, non-catered ones too! Yet he still ponders if they may let him conference call in for the day. Our Hero is such dreamer! What is he going to do? Mrs. Rad wakes in a startle to the unpleasant sounds of a large, dying, mouse in her room; it however turns out to be her husband’s painful, mousy squeals. Once she jabs his pride a bit with the classic aging jokes, she reminds him that there is a Massage Experts just down the road from home. Many times they have same-day appointments available. As a nurse, Mrs. Rad hates to see her handsome-hubby in pain. She knows that medications are not a cure, but rather a mask that will help him to try and push through the pain today. That won’t cure whatever is really happening to his body and muscles. He needs to be seen by professionals. Being such a Super Rad Mom herself, she picks up the tablet from her nightstand, and clicks over to the Massage Experts app. Within 2-minutes Captain Super Rad Dad is booked in for a 4:45pm same day therapeutic massage. An email is sent to Rad Dad’s work email address, and he will ad it to his calendar when he gets into the office. He might have to leave his last meeting a few minutes early (#EpicBummer), so that he can maneuver the #401 early enough to make it on time. Trying to hold back his tears, our grime fighting, cape-wearing, strong and mighty Rad Dad, slowly gets up from the bed, and stretches to his current physical non-capacity. He needs to loosen his body up as much as possible to start the morning prep process. Once showers are had, and the sultry act of massaging delightful-smelling, retirement-home-scented, muscle rub into Rad Dad’s back is over, the duo head to wake up the rest of the #FamJam. Time for hugs, breakfast, lunch prep, clothes prep, slight clothing check arguments, backpack check, more arguments about needing to rush, reminders that they now have to rush, annoyance that they need to yell again – all combined with a little bit of love, and pure family devotion!

Our story continues June 12th. Stay tuned!

Gift Certificates for Father’s Day are available to buy for your very own RAD DAD! Purchase through our website or visit your local Massage Experts clinic!


June 12th
Post 6

The Adventures of Captain Super Rad Dad, Part 6/7
They say not all superheroes wear capes, but today, our Captain Super Rad Dad sure sported his invisible one proudly! He made it through the day, pain and all. He got the account that he had been working so hard towards. He was now on the epic countdown to #GoTime. His boss was so proud of him that as they walked down the hall together after the meetings, he jabbed Rad dad’s side with a light punch of pride, and threw his arms around Rad Dad into a classic jock-boss bear hug. It took everything Rad Dad had in him to keep standing upright. The pain was loudly screaming within him. It took everything in him to also not take the pain out on his boss. Captain Super Rad Dad knows it’s not his boss’ fault that he is in this much pain. He needed to speak up if he was too busy, and he needs to take stretch time for himself. It’s now time to leave for his massage appointment. He closes his laptop, leaves the office, and starts the 15 floor descent down to the Rad Mobile. Today’s drive will not quite be as fiercely competitive as yesterday’s. Every pothole will impact his pain. Captain Super Rad Dad pulls-up to his appointment for 4:40pm, he’s been to Massage Experts before, so he had filled out his health history form previously. He likes going to Massage Experts, he’s comfortable there, and always questions himself on why he doesn’t do it more often. As someone who works at a desk, and on mobile gadgets day-and-night, he knows that massage will help his posture, muscles, and his overall health. Every time he’s there, he vows to go more often. With insurance direct billing, an appointment here costs the same as his favourite extra venti decaf soy matcha latté!

It’s 4:45pm and massage time. His Registered Massage Therapist, Brett, meets him in the lobby and leads him to his treatment room. Brett asks Rad Dad all kinds of questions about where it hurts, and what does he think is causing it? They then look to see where else the pain might be pulling from, or pushing to. Brett also takes the time to measure his stretch capacity to qualify what muscle groups need to be worked on. Rad Dad has seen Brett before and knows his background in sports massage, so he trusts Brett’s opinion and professionalism on how he can help. Brett feels the area to ensure there is no inflammation that may cause further pain to Rad Dad. After Brett’s consultation, he knows that Rad Dad has adaptive posture from his everyday work and lifestyle routines, and that has left his muscles short and tight through his chest and neck. That means that anything varying from his routine could have created this muscle strain pain. Rad Dad blames the lawn mowing – but we the readers know better, don’t we? He was stiff and his muscles needed help far before that! Brett will work with fascial techniques to help free-up his chest and neck, and massage techniques to help with his weakened upper back. Rad Dad should see results within just a few sessions. Along with at home care and stretching, Rad Dad will feel better within just a few days. He might not be able to put on the cape and fly again yet, but at least he will be able to stand-up straight again soon! #ItsTheSmallThings.

Our story continues June 14th. Stay tuned!

Gift Certificates for Father’s Day are available to buy for your very own RAD DAD! Purchase through our website or visit your local Massage Experts clinic!


June 14th
Post 7

The Adventures of Captain Super Rad Dad, Part 7/7
Captain Super Rad Dad has had a very long week. Always being so strong and mighty, means that feeling pain is hard on him physically and mentally. He wants to be everyone’s number one guy, but knows that he needs to watch himself for a few days or he could hurt himself further. As he heads home from his massage appointment with Brett, he ponders to himself about what he can do to liberate some time and really focus on his own unique health and wellness needs. He decides then and there to set his mobile phone alarm for stretches at 11:00am and 2:30pm; it’s a start. He also knows that he wont have time for a run every day, but that he will at least take a short walk at noon, or walk up and down stairs for a good 20-minutes. He needs to do something to keep his body moving, so a shut-down like this will be few and far between. His RMT Brett suggested #Yoga to help stretch his muscles, and mentioned that there were even many options available on #YouTube if he could not make it to a yoga class.

As Rad Dad walked through his front door, his kiddos come running towards him with their welcoming, excited, and sticky-handed after-supper super hugs. In order to help his back, he bends at his knees to meet his very special cuddle crew. He loves his family and his life so much, he needs to do everything he can to keep himself running efficiently for them. He’s feeling some relief after the massage, and will help himself further tonight by hopping into an Epsom salt bath before bed. He also knows to drink ample water to keep his muscles hydrated while they try and repair.

As they progress through their nightly routine, bedtime battles and all, Captain Super Rad Dad talks with Mrs. Rad about this weekend’s upcoming Father’s Day events, and what the family plans should be. Being a busy professional herself, she admits to Rad Dad that she hasn’t had the time yet to get him a present. She asks him to think about what he might like as a gift. She knows he doesn’t want or need anything, but always loves the smiling faces of their children being able to present their strong Daddy with a wrapped gift and homemade card. She’ll then seal the deal with her famous Father’s Day chocolate cake on Sunday evening. Our Hero didn’t even have to think about a present, he’s thought about what he needs and what they need together as a family. The happy couple then decided that they will give each other the gift of wellness, and that once a month, they will take each other out for a massage date. An hour away from work, home life, cellphones, and all. A mini-vacation away from their every day, where they can concentrate on their individual health needs in order be there for each other. Life isn’t slowing down, but if they don’t it will catch-up with them. They realized that is the perfect gift they could give themselves and their family.

The next day Mrs. Rad took out her handy, nightstand tablet, went over to the Massage Experts website, and bought her loving Captain a gift certificate. It was an easy process, and when done she was able to print the gift certificate right from home. Their insurance thankfully covers $500 a year for Massage Therapy, but with their new wellness goals in mind, they know that will only cover a portion of the massages they agreed to go in for. As a Nurse, Mrs. Rad really wants to help Rad Dad stick to his healthier goals. She wants him to be his optimal self. A massage gift certificate really is the perfect Father’s Day Gift… for them all!

Gift Certificates for Father’s Day are available to buy for your very own RAD DAD! Purchase through our website or visit your local Massage Experts clinic!


June 16th
Post: 8
Happy Father’s Day from Massage Experts

Our Captain Super Rad Dad really is the ultimate everyday hero. He’s taking care of his family and himself and doing life to the best of his capacity. He’s a good father, husband, friend, co-worker, humanitarian, and human. What he didn’t realize was that back pain can creep up on you in no time at all. He now knows how important it is not to skip the small things like stretching his overworked tech-neck throughout the day. His lesson to all is to take time in the day and stretch your back, limbs, neck, shoulders; and you will see the difference 5-minutes can make!

Registered Massage Therapy is a proven health service to compliment any wellness routine. Massage Experts makes it easy to enjoy a therapeutic massage by offering Registered Massage Therapists, extended hours, insurance direct billing, and the ease of booking online. A Rad Dad stays in happy Dad form with the help of Massage Experts! Help your own Rad Dad take care of himself, so that he can take care of life.

Gift certificates for Father’s Day are available to buy through our website or by visiting your local Massage Experts clinic!

Captain Super Rad Dad - A Father's Day Storyline

Captain Super Rad Dad - A Father's Day Storyline
